The Bizarre Fall of Rocky Mountain Fur Con
When most conventions end their run, it’s usually for pretty simple reasons. Either the con has run out of money, the organizers’ personal lives have gotten in the way, there isn’t enough staff to keep going, or they have unsolvable venue issues. For good or bad, it’s usually straightforward.
Well, this time it’s not.
Earlier this week, Rocky Mountain Fur Con (originally scheduled for this August) was officially cancelled. The con ended its decade long run in a bizarre set of circumstances involving a faction of Nazi Furries, the Sovereign Citizen movement, and a staff member on the sex offender registry.
Strap in. It’s going to be quite the ride.
Problems in Rocky Mountain Fur Con’s management aren’t anything new. Kendal Ray Emery stepped down as Convention Chair in 2008 after it became publicly known that he was a registered sex offender. We don’t know a lot of details about Emery’s offense, though searching the Colorado Sex Offender Registry tells us that he was convicted of sexual contact with a minor in 1993.
He was thirty at the time of the incident.
While Emery hasn’t re-offended or been accused of anything in the decades since, it wasn’t exactly good PR for a Furry convention trying to promote a safe image to have a registered sex offender in charge. Emery would also later sign over ownership of Mid America Anthropomorphic and Art Corporation (which operates Rocky Mountain Fur Con) to Zachary “Sorin” Brooks in 2011. This was most likely due to the same pressures that caused him to step down as chair.

Regardless of whether or not MAAAC is compliant with what the IRS requires, claiming to be a 501(c)(3) when you’re not is fairly sketchy.
The amazing thing is, all of this is just a small factor in the failure of Rocky Mountain Fur Con. The larger issue (and what’s referred to in the statements actually released by the convention) have to do with backlash associated with a group called the “Furry Raiders.” For those of you outside of furry fandom, the “Furry Raiders” are a Colorado based group of furries founded by “Foxler Nightfire” who are, effectively, Nazis.
Yes, there are Nazi furries out there, and no it doesn’t make a damn lick of sense to me either.

Now, in all fairness, if you asked the Furry Raiders if they were Nazis, they’d say no. I mean, sure — they wear arm bands based around the design of the Nazi party, replacing the swastika with a paw. And yes, their Fur Affinity page used to list their birthday as Adolph Hitler’s. And yes, the Nazi imagery is just plain everywhere with their stuff. And yes, their founder has said some pretty racist things. And yes, Foxler has… oh god, I could go on for hours.
So yeah, they say they’re not Nazis, but they’re totally Nazis.
The group doesn’t always get the warmest reception at events (due to the whole pseudo-Nazi paraphernalia thing), but one place they’ve found a home at is Rocky Mountain Fur Con. This doesn’t always sit well with the rest of the community needless to say. As the Dog Patch reports, one furry who wasn’t too fond of them goes by the name Deo. Deo made a joke on Twitter about punching Nazis (regarding the Furry Raiders), and that’s when the following exchange happened:

We had to include that as a screenshot since some of the tweets have been deleted. If you’re wondering why a random Twitter conversation is important, it’s because this (at least as far was we can tell) is the main reason the convention was cancelled.
If your brain has started hurting, I’m sorry.
Deo reported the incident to Rocky Mountain Fur Con. I mean, this “Olivia” person had said it would be entertaining to see Deo get shot and talked about bringing a gun to the con. The convention eventually responded, but not in a way Deo expected. You see, Deo received a very bizarre “cease and desist” letter in the mail:
I only found out about "Kahuki" Kendal Emery the convicted felon after he & RMFC/MAAAC doxxed me & mailed this fake-legal threat to my home:
— the Devil (@DeoTasDevil) April 10, 2017
I mean, besides the fact that Nazis aren’t a “class of people,” Deo (at least according to Dogpatch Press) is located in the United States. The word Emery was looking for is “borders” too (assuming he isn’t talking about people making threats over folks just trying to rent a room), and it’s kind of my favorite sentence of all time. He ends the letter saying that if there are any objections, Deo must respond to the letter or else she’s agreeing to its contents — which isn’t how cease and desist letters work even remotely.
You’ll also notice that Emery signed the letter in red with a red fingerprint. This is indicative of a whole other bit of weirdness – the Sovereign Citizen movement. Sovereign Citizens believe that they are not subject to the government or laws of the United States, and the FBI considers them a growing domestic threat. One of the more harmless things they’re known to do is insist on signing in red ink instead of blue or black (as they think red represents the blood of the people) and insist that a red fingerprint is the highest form of ID. If you don’t know how insane this stuff can get, here’s a hilarious example.
As Sovereign Citizens believe the States are meant to be separate nations, this may explain the bizarre “national boarders [sic]” line in the letter. As it’s also not uncommon for them to ignore tax law, it adds an interesting context to Flayrah’s allegations and Brooks’s subsequent denial. One of the favorite weapons of Sovereign Citizens is to try and send fake documents and make frivolous legal filings against those they believe to be their enemies.
Which Emery clearly sees Deo as here.
So, while taking the side of a bunch of Furry Nazis, the con decided that the only way they could keep operating was to increase security. You know, to stop the person who joked about punching people and not, say, the person who talked about people getting shot and implied they might bring a gun to the con. This cost must have been too much, because they then announced they were cancelling the con over these concerns.
I’ve embedded the official message from the con above, and you should click through and read the whole thing. Honestly, the irony is amazingly thick – as the “hate and intolerance” they refer to is hatred of Nazis. I mean, the con is saying that it’s wrong to hate a literal hate group. I cannot even begin to fathom the cognitive dissonance of this statement. The con has said they will refund as many people as they can, but that they may not have the money to do so.
I honestly wouldn’t hold my breath if you’re expecting your money back.
In the end, the con’s actual cancellation makes very little sense. Any real “security” threats really seem like they’d come from the people the con is actually defending, and I can’t see the financials suddenly going in the red because of it. Something else is happening here, but I’m not exactly sure what it is.
If I ever find out, I’m sure it will be depressingly hilarious.
Via Dogpatch Press, Flayrah, Denver Post, Reddit
After this exploded, someone might have let the venue know about the threats, which may have required changes to their event plan to retain the contract. So, ‘plausible’.
Another event regarding the ‘Furry Raiders’ is that they’ve engaged in fraud regarding the room block of cons: They have, in the past, ordered more rooms they apparently had no intention of paying for. That blocks legitimate customers, inflates the appearance of the vent to the venue and hotel (which would be a crime), and then makes the event dependent upon their good will to release the rooms within time to actually get the rooms sold (most contracts make the event responsible for unsold/unpaid rooms).
Oh yeah, there’s so much out there on the Furry Raiders that I had to parse it down to just the basics or else it would have dominated the article. Honest to god just had to pick a place to stop. 😛
Looks like long time bigoted nerds who hideout on 4chan are aiming to ruin shit for everyone. Glad I’m not a furry. Damned shame to see this go down, nonetheless.
I would say that the financials going in the red are less likely from the security costs, and more from the wave of cancellations and refunds they were about to have to cope with. There was a pullout of people beginning, especially vendors– and from what I had seen on twitter (Albeit with limited info) they would have lost over half their vendors. and perhaps a significant amount of other attendees. Once that snowball got rolling, I doubt it would be stopped and the con would go under. The cancellation was a pre-emptiopn of that effect.
At least, that’s what I can glean and surmise.
First con I ever went to was Rainfurrest in 2015. 2nd one I ever went to was RMFC in 2016.
I’m starting to think I need to research which cons I choose to go to a little more carefully….that, and/or call an exorcist for myself just in case this is some sort of weird con-killing curse.
Talk about bad luck!
I know, right? Especially considering I enjoyed them both so immensely. Now I’m genuinely scared to go to another convention. D:
Pingback: Sorin, Chair of Rocky Mountain Fur Con, discusses demise of the con. | Dogpatch Press
Pingback: Sorin, Chair of Rocky Mountain Fur Con, discusses demise of the con. | Dogpatch Press