Hex Positive
By Bree NicGarran
A practical witchcraft podcast hosted by Bree NicGarran, author of Grovedaughter Witchery. Every month, join Bree for a discussion of secular witchcraft, with plenty of tips for witching on a budget, finding good resources, furthering your magical education, and keeping your common sense superpowers strong. We’ll also delve into the history of witches and witchcraft, and witches in folklore and literature, and how those ideas influence what it means to be a witch in the modern day.

Hex PositiveSep 01, 2021

Ep. 053 - Creating Your Own Runes
On the heels of last month’s discussion about astrology and forecasting, Bree introduces a fun and easy project for building your craft and honing your divination skills - creating your own personalized set of runes.Stay safe and Happy Witching!Cited Title: The Real Witches’ Book of Spells & Rituals, Kate West, Llewellyn Publications, 2003.Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop on Shopify and check out this month’s featured items and Upcoming Events. Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch!Upcoming Events:The Witches Table Discussion Group: Williamsburg ChapterWorkshop - Creating Your Own Plant CorrespondencesWednesday, March 5 2025, 6pm-8pmAlewerks Taproom (Williamsburg Outlets)5715 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg VA (USA)Hosted by The Witches TableFirst Fridays Moon Market(First Friday of each month)Next Event - Friday, Feb 7 2025, 6pm-9pmUpcoming Dates - March 7 | April 4 | May 2Historic Hilton Village10369 Warwick Blvd, Newport News VA (USA)Hosted by Styx & StonesSisterhood Market benefitting the Pink Boots SocietySunday, March 9 2025, 12pm-4pmAlewerks Taproom189 B Ewell Rd, Williamsburg VAHosted by Alewerks BrewingCottage Witch MarketSunday, March 23 2025, 12pm-5pmDiversity Richmond1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA (USA)Hosted by River City Witch MarketsCheck my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on Instagram and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast NetworkMUSIC CREDITSIntro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Mar 03, 202530:45

Ep. 052 - Mercury's In The Microwave with Alisha Abdelilah of Soul Riot LLC
The pod gets cosmic as Alisha Abdelilah of Soul Riot LLC joins the chat to talk about her approach to astrology - a refreshingly down-to-earth attitude that focuses on personal gifts and self-improvement, rather than the nebulous woo-speak of pop horoscopes. This month, we’re blaming it ALL on the retrograde!
Follow Soul Riot on Instagram or sign up for classes and readings with Alisha!
Donate to the American Red Cross to aid with ongoing California wildfire relief efforts and help support the American Veterinary Medical Foundation's Southern California Disaster Relief efforts to help provide emergency care to animals injured or displaced by the fires.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop on Shopify and check out this month’s featured items and Upcoming Events. Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on Instagram and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Feb 04, 202501:38:15

Ep. 051 - Weather Witching with Marci the StormBornWitch
As so many of us are watching the weather reports with no small amount of anxiety, I sat down with my good buddy Marci (aka StormBornWitch from tumblr) to talk about her particular brand of weather magic and how a weather witch gets things down in a biome that looks very little like the one upon which the ubiquitous Wheel of the Year is based.
Follow Marci on Tumblr!
Register for the January 11th CritWitch Brew event!
Donate to the American Red Cross to aid with ongoing California wildfire relief efforts and help support the American Veterinary Medical Foundation's Southern California Disaster Relief efforts to help provide emergency care to animals injured or displaced by the fires.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop on Shopify and check out this month’s featured items and Upcoming Events. Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jan 11, 202501:02:36

Holiday Break Episode - Fall Feast Recipes
Seasons Greetings, witches! Due to some ongoing home repair issues here at Podcast Central, I haven't been able to prepare an episode for this December. My sincere apologies and please be assured that the topic WILL be covered in a future episode.
While we wait for a working furnace and a new roof, please enjoy this holiday bonus episode from the very first season of Hex Positive. The recipes are from my personal collection and though they are labeled for autumn, they work just as well for winter feasting and family gatherings. A transcript will be available on my Wordpress in case you'd like to add these dishes to your own seasonal rotation:
-Roast Fowl with Cranberry Stuffing and Apple-Potato Dressing
-Oven-Roasted Asparagus and Brussel Sprouts
-Cranberry-Walnut Pumpkin Bread
-Pumpkin Spice Coffee
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop on Shopify and check out this month’s featured items and Upcoming Events. Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Wish Background”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dec 14, 202419:34

Ep. 050 - Exploring the Ogham with Mara Levy
Sometimes you make a new friend and they share something that really gets your brain going! So this month, Bree welcomes Mara Levy to the virtual studio for a discussion about ogham - its’ history and meaning and use in both ancient and modern magic. (Perennial notetakers will want to have pencils handy when we talk about the kennings!)
Visit Mara at Rainbow Spring Wellness in Silver Spring MD (and on Instagram!) and check out my Wordpress for full show notes, sources, and recommended reading.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop on Shopify and check out this month’s featured items and Upcoming Events. Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Host-Read Ads – “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Nov 13, 202401:08:46

Ep. 049 - Satanic Panic? In MY Witchcraft Community? (with Trae Dorn)
(It's more likely than you think....)
Welcome back, witches! We’re diving back into things with another classic collaboration between your friendly neighborhood Witchstorian and everyone’s favorite curmudgeon and host of BS-Free Witchcraft, Trae Dorn. Feeling the weight of our years just a LITTLE bit, we sit down to discuss the stubborn traces of Satanic Panic rhetoric that still linger in the modern witchcraft movement. Not in external gossip or talking-head suppositions, but in the internal discussions that witches maintain in live spaces and especially on social media. Tune in to hear a couple of weary elder millennials ramble about alleged devil worship, community paranoia, and how much it irritates us when people don’t know their own history.
Remember, witches - you are not immune to propaganda.
Check out the new Upcoming Events page!
Read the Mia Graves books by Trae Dorn!
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop on Shopify and check out this month’s featured items. Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Host-Read Ads – “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Oct 07, 202401:42:41

Ep. 048 - Land Healing with Dana O'Driscoll
Multi-talented author, artist, permaculturist, and head of the AODA Dana O’Driscoll drops by the virtual studio to discuss her newest book, “Land Healing: Physical, Metaphysical, and Ritual Practices for Healing the Earth.” Among the topics discussed are processes and procedures for connecting with the land spirits where you live, what’s in a crane bag, and how we can practice good stewardship and become responsible ancestors.
Check out her other works -
Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year Through Earth-Centered Sustainable PracticesThe Plant Spirit OracleThe Druids Garden blogThe Druids Garden etsy shop
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop on Shopify and check out this month’s featured items. Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
See you in October!
Upcoming Events:
Styx & Stones on FacebookFollow for upcoming moon markets!
Cottage Witch MarketSunday, July 28 2024, 12pm-6pmDiversity Richmond1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VAHosted by River City Witch Markets
Free Spirit GatheringAugust 6-11, 2024Camp Ramblewood, Darlington MDFree Spirit Gathering Website
Use my referral link to sign up!
Free Spirit Gathering Policies (PLEASE READ IF PLANNING TO ATTEND)
Norse Witch MarketSunday, August 18 2024, 12pm-5pmDiversity Richmond1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VAHosted by River City Witch Markets
Pumpkin Witch MarketSunday, Sept 22 2024, 12pm-5pmDiversity Richmond1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VAHosted by River City Witch Markets
CritWitchCon 2024September 27-29, 2024Online Gathering via Zoom"Perception / Perspective Check"Hosted by Critical Thinking Witch Collective
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”Host-Read Ads – “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Jul 02, 202401:08:15

Ep. 047 - What My Granny (Weatherwax) Taught Me feat. Lozzie Stardust
Lozzie’s back, friends and neighbors! And this month, we’re sitting down to talk about everybody’s favorite coven - the Witches of Lancre, from Discworld. Longtime fans of the show have heard the works of Sir Terry Pratchet (RIP) and the wisdom of Granny Weatherwax quoted many times on the show, but what other lessons might the Lancre coven have for us over the course of their many odysseys, quests, holidays, and general mucking about? (Tangents include which fantasy character is Legolas’ hot grimy dad, why certain tourists are so bloody annoying when they go abroad, which Discworld quote made Lozzie snarf tea out her nose, and what Bree and the sainted Sir Terry’s origin stories have in common.)
If you love Discworld, this episode is for you. If you’ve never heard of Discworld or are only passing familiar, consider this your introduction. Bit late for the Glorious 25th of May, but all the same - Here’s to Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard-Boiled Egg!
The Witches of Lancre
Equal Rites - Wyrd Sisters - Witches Abroad - Lords and Ladies - Maskerade - Carpe Jugulum
The Tiffany Aching Saga
The Wee Free Men - A Hat Full of Sky - Wintersmith - I Shall Wear Midnight - The Shepherd’s Crown
(GNU Terry Pratchett)
Sunflower Witch Market - https://www.facebook.com/events/191005147387320
Free Spirit Gathering - https://www.freespiritgatheringmd.org/
CritWitchCon 2024 - https://criticalthinkingwitches.com/events/
Follow Bree and Lozzie on Instagram at @breenicgarran and @bihexualhistory. Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop on Shopify and check out this month’s featured items. Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”Host-Read Ads – “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Jun 11, 202401:44:33

Ep. 46 - Bree and Lozzie Ruin Everything, 4th Anniversary Special
It’s the fourth anniversary special and somebody turned Bree and Lozzie loose on another piece of occult history! This month, your intrepid host and everyone’s favorite horrible goose sit down in the virtual studio to discuss the history and tenets of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. And to the surprise of absolutely no one, things go off the rails rather quickly. If you consume beverages with your podcasts, do so with caution!
Thank you all for coming with me on this ride so far. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Show notes and further reading on my Wordpress.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop at its new address and check out this month’s featured items! Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch.
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Thank You to this episode’s sponsors:
Creations By ChaosFay (Commissions Guidelines)
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”Host-Read Ads – “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Creations By ChaosFay Ad – “Christmas Fairy”Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
May 01, 202401:24:25

Ep. 045 - Warding A Witchy Home pt 2
Returning once more to the topic of protection magic, this month we’re delving a little deeper into the topic of wards and warding. Bree shares some insight on the methods and concepts that she’s developed and discovered over the years, and shares a Witchcraft 201 level primer on some slightly more advanced warding techniques.
(If you haven’t heard Ep. 024 “Warding A Witchy Home,” make sure you check that out before listening to this episode!)
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop at its new address and check out this month’s featured items! Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch.
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Thank You to this episode’s sponsors:
Creations By ChaosFay (Commissions Guidelines)
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Host-Read Ads – “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Creations By ChaosFay Ad – “Christmas Fairy”
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Apr 04, 202433:02

Ep. 044 - THE LAST WITCH with Annika Hylmö
Bree is joined in the virtual studio by Annika Hylmö, documentarian and director of the forthcoming film THE LAST WITCH. The film tells the story of a Massachusetts middle school Civics class and their campaign to secure exoneration for the last unpardoned victim of the Salem witch trials, Elizabeth Johnson Jr. It’s a poignant story about history, connection, and why seeking justice matters, even when it comes three hundred years late. Also discussed are the historical circumstances surrounding the Salem witch panic and how the twin specters of bullying and rumor-mongering haunt our communities today just as much as they did in 1692.
Make sure you follow THE LAST WITCH on Instagram for updates and check out the full project details on their website. Additional media and articles on the documentary and the campaign to pardon Elizabeth Johnson Jr. are in the full show notes on my Wordpress.
I'd like to extend my sincere thanks to Annika and her producer Dawn Green for helping me produce this episode, and I hope that it helps to bring more visibility to the project.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop at its new address and check out this month’s featured items! Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch.
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Intro & Outro – “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”Host-Read Ads – “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook” & “Feelin’ Good”Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Creations By ChaosFay Ad – “Christmas Fairy”Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Mar 01, 202401:24:58

Ep. 043 - This Seems Familiar
(Sorry for the lateness of the episode, there were some technical difficulties to fix and a very sick Producer Penny to care for, but thankfully both are all better now. Thank you for your patience!)
This month, we delve into the concept of familiars and familiar spirits, both in the context of folklore and witch trials, and what the term means to modern witches. Bree disagrees with social media witch culture (some more) and tells a few stories of the witchcats in her own life. (Unfortunately, Creative Director Havoc and Producer Penny could not be reached for comment.)
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop at its new address and check out this month’s featured items! Make sure you also visit the Redbubble page for even more cool merch.
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Thank You to this episode’s sponsors:
Creations By ChaosFay (Commissions Guidelines)
Portland Button Works & Spiral House Witch Shop
Intro & Outro - “Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Host-Read Ads - "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook" & “Feelin’ Good”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Creations By ChaosFay Ad - "Christmas Fairy"
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Feb 28, 202445:45

Witch Ways 27 - Two Powders For Valentine's
There’s been a slight delay with the main episode this month due to technical issues, so I hope you enjoy these two powder recipes, one for attracting romance and desire, the other for repelling it. The recipes for Come Hither Powder and Get Thee Hence Powder can be found in Pestlework, now available on Amazon and in the Willow Wings Witch Shop.
Make sure you update your bookmarks for the shop as it migrates to its’ new home on Shopify, check out the new items now available, and sign up for the email list to be notified of new merch drops! https://hexpositive.myshopify.com
Hex Positive is now on YouTube! Visit the merch shop on Redbubble too!
Check my Wordpress for show notes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
“Carpe Diem”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Feb 02, 202406:17

Ep. 042 - Extended Warren Tea with Jenn the Ouija Girl and Lorelei Rivers
Happy New Year, witches! While we’re recovering from the mad rush of the holiday season, I’m sitting down with returning friend of the show Jenn the Ouija Girl and new pal from the tumblrverse Lorelei Rivers to both drink AND the spill the tea on those ghost-hunting grifters we all love to despise, Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Discussions about the careers and rhetoric of the Warrens make the rounds regularly in discussions about the paranormal among members of the witchcraft community. But who were the Warrens? Why do they inspire such ire even as the Conjuring franchise gains steam? How much of what we think we know about the supernatural comes from them? And why is it important to recognize - and refute - their rhetoric when we encounter it?
This Month's Guest Hosts -
Jenn - The Ugly Kitchen, ASMR Geographica on YouTube, TheOuijaGirl.tumblr.com
Lorelei - CrazyCatSiren.tumblr.com
The Critical Thinking Witch Collect will be having a free virtual brew January 20th! Join me and Julie Bloomfield as we discuss glamours and self image. Sign up on their website: http://www.criticalthinkingwitches.com.
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Hex Positive is now on YouTube! Visit the merch shop on Redbubble as well!
You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft! (And look for the Shopify announcement coming soon!)
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Jan 01, 202401:48:26

Ep. 041 - Holiday Folklore Frights with Ana Mor
BAH HUMBUG! The annual onslaught of holiday music has begun, we’re all up to our necks in consumerism, and the glitter is EVERYWHERE. Thankfully, there’s refuge from the mad rush here on Hex Positive, where I cozy up with my CritWitchCon buddy Ana Mor to talk about fun and witchy folklore from the holiday season! Most of the stories come from Catholicism, with a smattering of pre-Christian figures thrown in. We’re briefly interrupted by Ezra the Cat and some minor technical difficulties, but what’s a holiday party without a few awkward moments, right?
Stay tuned to my social media for information about the next CritWitchCon free Brew event and visit CriticalThinkingWitches.com for forthcoming announcements about our 2024 gathering!
Visit the Hex Positive Redbubble shop for brand new merch designs!
Upcoming Events:
(Unfortunately the Styx & Stones Krampusnacht Market was cancelled, but please feel free to visit their Newport New location for lots of witchy goodies!)
Christmas Cheer & Beer Market
Saturday, Dec 9 2023, 12pm-5pm
Triple Crossing Brewery
113 S Foushee St, Richmond VA
Hosted by Mystic Markets
Winter Solstice Witch Market
Sunday, Dec 17 2023, 12pm-5pm
Diversity Richmond
1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA
Hosted by River City Witch Markets
Yule & Krampus Market
Saturday, Dec 23 2023, 12pm-10pm
Alewerks Taproom
189B Ewell Rd, Williamsburg VA
Hosted by Alewerks Brewing
Hex Positive is now on YouTube! Visit the merch shop on Redbubble as well!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ad - "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook" and “Feelin’ Good”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dec 01, 202359:16

Ep. 040 - Bree and Lozzie Ruin Everything (CritWitchCon 2023)
Here it is - the episode you’ve all been waiting for! CritWitchCon 2023 was an absolute blast and Lozzie and I made the most of it with another LIVE episode of The Stardust Sessions. And as you may have inferred, the title of said panel was, “Bree and Lozzie Ruin Everything.” We each picked a topic which is taken for granted as Gospel Truth by certain segments of the witchcraft community and set about tearing those assumptions to shreds.
For those of you who might be interested in future Critical Thinking Witches online gatherings and virtual events, please visit http://criticalthinkingwitches.com for announcements, scheduling, and contact information. More events are definitely planned for the future and we’d love to see you there!
Hello November Market
Saturday, Nov 4 2023, 12pm-5pm
Strangeways Brewing
2277A Dabney Rd, Richmond VA
Hosted by Mystic Markets
Crystal and Oddity Witch Market
Sunday, November 19 2023, 12pm-6pm
Diversity Richmond
1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA
Hosted by River City Witch Markets
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Nov 01, 202344:47

Ep. 039 - "We Are The Queerdos, Mister" with Murphy Lawless
There’s a chill in the breeze, the leaves are turning, the pumpkins are grinning, it’s time for SPOOKY SEASON! Accordingly, I’ve brewed up a special surprise for all my witches and horror fans out there. This month’s episode is a crossover with Queerdo Babes From The Horror Pod-O-Rama, hosted by the absolutely fabulous Murphy Lawless. We sat down for a nice long chat about depictions of witches and witchcraft in horror cinema. And since there are far too many examples for just one episode, we narrowed it down to a few choice flicks - Häxan (1922), Eyes of Fire (1983), The Craft (1996), Practical Magic (1998), and The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016). (Spoilers abound!)
Make sure you check out Queerdo Babes From The Horror Pod-O-Rama for an ALTERNATE version of this episode and follow the show on Instagram and your favorite podcatcher!
CritWitchCon 2023 replay tickets available now!
Autumn Witch Market
Saturday Oct 7 2023, 12pm-5pm
Strangeways Brewing
2277A Dabney Rd, Richmond VA
Hosted by Mystic Markets
Howl-O-Ween with Mystic Markets
Saturday Oct 21 2023, 12pm-5pm
Kindred Spirit Brewing
12830 West Creek Pkwy Suite J, Goochland VA
Hosted by Mystic Markets
Nighttime Witches Market
Saturday Oct 21 2023, 6pm-10pm
Alewerks Brewing
189 B Ewell Rd, Williamsburg VA
Hosted by Alewerks Brewing
Samhain Witch Market
Sunday, Oct 29 2023 4pm-9pm
Diversity Richmond
1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA
Hosted by River City Witch Markets
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Oct 01, 202302:24:04

BONUS - One Chat Room, Fulla Crit Witches (CritWitchCon 2023 Preview)
What do you get when you throw four witches with ADHD and a tendency to infodump into one chat room and give them an assignment? Utter chaos, of course. But somewhere along the way, they also produce a pretty damn good sneak peek at the upcoming Critical Thinking Witch Convention! Join Bree, Lozzie, Amethyst, and Ana Mor for this madcap ramble / event preview. Hope to see you at the con!
Critical Thinking Witch Convention 2023
Friday, September 29 - Sunday, October 1st
Free Pre-Brew Event on Saturday, September 23rd, 4:00-6:30 EST
For more information, event access, vendor signups, and tickets, please visit https://criticalthinkingwitches.com/.
Hex Positive is now on YouTube!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Sep 16, 202331:18

Ep. 038 - Creating Your Personal Grimoire
Since magic and writing first existed together, there have been books of magic. Grimoires and other mystical tomes dot the historical record, from illuminated manuscripts to beloved props of modern pop culture. For the modern witch, a grimoire is as much a personal reference guide as it is a self-written textbook of the craft. This month, we’ll discuss how to build your own grimoire, with tips for staying organized, suggested topics, and a journaling exercise to get you started!
Cited Podcast: Historical Blindness, Ep. 116 - The Key to the Secrets of King Solomon (May 02, 2023)
Visit Here Comes The Witch on tumblr for more grimoire inspo!
Harvest Witch Market
Sunday, Sept 17 2023, 12pm-6pm
Diversity Thrift, 1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA (USA)
Hosted by River City Witch Markets
Hex Positive is now on YouTube!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ad - "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook" & “Feelin’ Good”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Sep 01, 202341:55

Ep. 037 - Cleaning, Cleansing, and Magical Germophobia
Cleansing is one of the most frequently-employed types of magic in the modern witchcraft community. Every time you turn around, you’ll see references to cleansing because of an auspicious occasion or recent castings or a particular celestial event or just because The Vibes Are Off. What we’re only beginning to see discussed is the practical aspect of cleansing and what mundane actions you should be doing to accompany that spellwork.
And where does the line exist between judicious caution and magical germophobia? What needs to be cleansed and what doesn’t? How much cleansing is TOO much? Let’s talk about it.
Astrology Witch Market
Sunday, August 13 2023, 12pm-5pm
Triple Crossing Beer, 5203 Hatcher St
Facebook Event Page
August Merry Meet and Greet
Friday August 18 2023, 7pm-9pm
Women’s Club at Hilton Village
87 Main St, Newport News VA
Hosted by Styx & Stones
Hex Positive is now on YouTube!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ad - "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Aug 01, 202329:22

Ep. 036 - Margaret Effing Murray with Trae Dorn
Margaret Murray was a celebrated author, historian, folklorist, Egyptologist, archaeologist, anthropologist, first-wave feminist, and the first woman to be appointed to the position of lecturer in archaeology in the UK. So why so we get so annoyed whenever her name is mentioned in conversations about witchcraft? Well, it all has to do with a book Margaret wrote back in 1921...which just so happened to go on to have a profound influence on the roots of the modern witchcraft movement.
Nerd & Tie senpai and host of BS-Free Witchcraft Trae Dorn joins me in the virtual studio to discuss the thoroughly-discredited witch-cult hypothesis, Murray's various writings and accomplishments, and why modern paganism might not have caught on so strongly without her.
Crystal Witch MarketSunday, July 9 2023, 12pm-5pmTriple Crossing Beer, 5203 Hatcher StFacebook Event Page
Hex Positive is now on YouTube!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ad - "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jul 01, 202301:33:07

Ep. 035 - Money Magic (or Why I'm Not A Rich Witch)
Prosperity spells are some of the most commonly-found types of magical workings to be found in modern witchcraft and in the historical record. So why aren’t witches absolutely rolling in dough? And how do you make sure your magical windfall doesn’t come with unwanted consequences? As it turns out, mostly by keeping things simple.
Pride Witch Market
Sunday, June 11, 2023, 12n-5pm
Diversity Richmond, 1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA
Midsummer Witch Market
Sunday, June 25 2023 , 11am-3pm
Diversity Richmond, 1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA
Hex Positive is now on YouTube!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ad - "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jun 02, 202330:13

Ep. 034 - Building Your Witchcraft Library
A well-read witch is a happy witch. But how does one go about building a personal library to support their craft? Let’s talk about it!
(And if you'd like to add any of my books to your library, you can visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop!)
Hex Positive is now on YouTube!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
MUSIC CREDITS“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”Ad - "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook"Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
May 02, 202342:51

Ep. 033 - Touch Grass
Sometimes, a witch just needs a break. Let’s all take a moment to go touch some grass...and talk about what that means. (Thank you for sticking with me through the hiatus!)
Oddities Witch Market
Sunday, April 2 2023, 12n-6pm
Diversity Richmond, 1407 Sherwood Ave
Facebook Event Page
Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Apr 01, 202332:31

Stardust Sessions with Lozzie Stardust - Deuteronomy and Daemonologie (BONUS)
Just one more hiatus episode to go! This month, we’re wrapping up our dive into the life and deeds of King James VI/I with a discussion of his literary exploits, from commissioning an approved English translation of the Bible to pamphlets on how to hunt witches and rule a country effectively.
Learn how one man’s personal demons and some really poor text formatting decisions changed the course of literary and religious history, and why it’s never a good idea to base your entire understanding of the world around one single book.
Check my Wordpress for podcast show notes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. Follow Lozzie Stardust on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter @bihexual and come chat with us in the Nerd & Tie Discord!
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Netherworld Shanty” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Mar 01, 202301:07:22

Stardust Sessions with Lozzie Stardust - The North Berwick Witch Trials (BONUS)
This month on our hiatus presentation of "Stardust Sessions," we’re continuing with our dive into the life and deeds of King James VI/I with a discussion of the North Berwick Witch Trials. We did our best to keep it light and not get too far into the more gruesome elements, but it was a very grim series of events that still echo in the history of Scotland to this day.
Learn how claiming that a ship was pre-loaded with demons can be an excuse for being shit at your job, how chatting with strangers during an extended layover can give a person all kinds of bad ideas, and how the events in North Berwick have been used as inspiration for popular works of stage and screen.
Check my Wordpress for podcast show notes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. Follow Lozzie Stardust on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter @bihexual and come chat with us in the Nerd & Tie Discord!
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Netherworld Shanty” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Feb 01, 202352:03

Stardust Sessions with Lozzie Stardust - King James, the Godliest Boy Who Ever Godly-Boy'd (BONUS)
In this special hiatus presentation of my Patreon series "Stardust Sessions with Lozzie Stardust and Bree NicGarran," we’re fulfilling a promise made in our inaugural episode and having a go at King James the Sixth of Scotland and the First of England. Same guy, weird title, and as the scholars called him - the Wisest Fool in Christendom. Or as Lozzie calls him The Godliest Boy Who Ever Godly-Boyed.
In this series, we’ll be covering the life of King Jimmy from his early years as a boy king of Scotland through his involvement with a number of witch trials, his reign as King of England, and his contributions to literature and religion, which were by no means insignificant. By the end, you’ll probably have a much better understanding of why I boo every time the man’s name is mentioned.
Fair warning: We are not the least bit reverent. Also, we may have accidentally strolled out of the loo with our skirts tucked into our knickers at some point during the discussion.
Check my Wordpress for podcast show notes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. Follow Lozzie Stardust on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter @bihexual and come chat with us in the Nerd & Tie Discord!
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Netherworld Shanty” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jan 01, 202336:02

BONUS - Stardust Sessions LIVE! (Crit Witch Con 2022)
While you're all patiently riding out the podcast hiatus, here's a little treat to tide you over!
Earlier this year, Lozzie and I were panelists at the Critical Thinking Witch Collective online convention and we did a LIVE run of Stardust Sessions during our joint session on modern witchcraft, with special guest moderator Lee Curtis-Rogers of Do The Magical Thing. We wore our fanciest hats and had a lovely chat about how pop culture and modern witchcraft reflect and represent each other, delving into some of our favorite examples along the way. The audio is available here and the video version, with hats included, is available on my Patreon. (Extra special thanks to Maya for helping me locate the files - you're a peach!)
Stay tuned for the winter season - if I find time to breathe while we're moving house, I may pop some Patreon extras here in the feed.
Hex Positive will return in 2023!
Upcoming Events:
Krampusnacht Holidaze Witch Market
Saturday Dec 3rd, 11am - 4pm
Gallery5 in Richmond VA
Yule Witch Market
Sunday Dec 11th, 12pm - 6pm
Diversity Richmond in Richmond VA
Check my Wordpress for full show notes and a list of sources, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Nov 22, 202243:57

Witch Ways 26 - The Fox's Gift
Every so often, a witch's work needs to be done in secret, and we must be cunning and full of tricks in order to make sure our magics are not discovered until they've had a chance to work. Borrow a bit of that guile with The Fox's Gift, from the pages of The Sisters Grimmoire. (For more fairytale spells, you can purchase a copy on Amazon or from my shop!)
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft (including copies of The Sisters Grimmoire)! Check my WordPress for updates, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
"Carpe Diem" and "Lord of the Land"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Aug 15, 202204:23

Ep. 032 - Guides Not Gatekeepers
Volunteer educators are the backbone of the witchcraft community. That can be a huge boon to newer witches, but it can also cause problems when needless gatekeeping or misinformation start to become too prevalent. In this episode, I’ve set out to clarify a few things about what it means to be a volunteer educator, what it takes to be a guide and a resource, and how we can avoid passing bad information or making newer practitioners feel unwelcome.
And since I didn’t want to raise this topic without also providing some resources to point people toward, make sure you stay tuned for the Volunteer Educators Showcase later this month!
Apothecary & Crystal Witch Market
Diversity Richmond, Richmond VA
Sunday, August 7th, 12pm-5pm
Indoor/Outdoor, Masks Requested
Facebook Event Page
Check my Wordpress for full show notes and a list of sources, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works – http://www.portlandbuttonworks.com
PBW Witch Shop – http://www.PBWwitchshop.com
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Aug 01, 202240:23

Witch Ways 25 - Home Blessing Powder
Break out your potion kits - it's time to make some Home Blessing Powder! From the pages of Pestlework, this powder is suitable for any spells you wish to cast around your dwelling which deal with the wellbeing, safety, and happiness of the homestead and those who live there.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft (including vials of Home Blessing Powder)! Check my Wordpress for full show notes and a list of sources, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
"Carpe Diem"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jul 15, 202202:52

Ep. 031 - Witching with ADHD with Lozzie Stardust
This month, I wanted to talk about a subject near and dear to my own heart - what it’s like to be a witch with ADHD. I invited my good buddy and everyone’s favorite horrible goose, Lozzie Stardust, to join me for the discussion. Buuuut since we’re both in the club, things went off the rails pretty quickly. (We regret nothing. 😅)
So we wound up having a rollicking discussion on how to be a witch with ADHD and also providing a window into what it’s like to actually have this condition. (If the content of this episode resonates strongly with you and you have never been tested for or diagnosed with ADHD, you may want to look into it.)
Apothecary & Crystal Witch Market
Diversity Richmond, Richmond VA
Sunday, August 7th, 12pm-5pm
Indoor/Outdoor, Masks Requested
Facebook Event Page
Check my Wordpress for full show notes and a list of sources, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works – http://www.portlandbuttonworks.com
PBW Witch Shop – http://www.PBWwitchshop.com
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jul 01, 202201:44:43

Witch Ways 24 - Mirror, Mirror
Sometimes the mirror doesn't show us what we want to see. So here's a spell inspired by a much-beloved fairy tale to help increase beauty and self-confidence. And it fits easily into your daily routine! And remember, darlings - you're already gorgeous. If others can't see it, that's THEIR problem.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft! Check my Wordpress for full show notes, as well as show notes and sources for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
"Carpe Diem" and "Dreamy Flashback"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jun 15, 202203:48

Ep. 030 - Atheist Witchcraft and Placebo Magic with Sedna Woo
We all joke about the irony of polytheistic witches being called “godless,” but what happens when your craft is quite literally without deities or spirituality of any kind? I sat down with YouTube’s own Sedna Woo to find out. The answer is both simpler and much deeper than you might expect. (Spoiler: I’m totally adding open label placebos to my own practice.)
Check out Sedna Woo and subscribe to her channel on YouTube!
Mid-Summer Witch Mkt
Diversity Richmond, Richmond VA
Sunday, June 26 - 12pm-5pm
Indoor/Outdoor, Masks Requested
Facebook Event Page
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft! Check my Wordpress for show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works – http://www.portlandbuttonworks.com
The Spiral House – https://portlandbuttonworks.com/spiral-house-shop
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jun 01, 202201:12:14

BONUS The Stardust Sessions, Ep. 01 - Grace Sherwood
Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Stardust Sessions!
In this Patreon-exclusive series, I'll be partnering with my good buddy and fellow Witchstorian Lozzie Stardust to dive into the fascinating events and people surrounding the history of witches and witchcraft. We'll talk about a whole lot of interesting things, maybe have a bit of a laugh, and hopefully tell you all some good stories along the way.
In this episode, we discuss a Virginia legend - Grace Sherwood, the Witch of Pungo. Tried and ducked in a bay for her alleged crimes in 1706, Grace was the last person convicted of and imprisoned for witchcraft in the colony of Virginia before the 1735 Witchcraft Act was passed. But as Grace herself would have said, she was no witch.
Join my Patreon to catch new episodes of The Stardust Sessions every month in addition to early releases of Hex Positive and Witch Ways, plus lots of other bonus content!
Check my Wordpress for full show notes and a list of sources, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. Follow Lozzie Stardust on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter @bihexual and come chat with us in the Nerd & Tie Discord!
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
May 23, 202201:04:26

Witch Ways 23 - The Three Ravens
Hope you're all feeling crafty this month, because we're making a Witches' Ladder! Grab your yarn, craft feathers, and bells, and get ready to make an early-warning system for trouble of all sorts. Another classic from The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol I.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft! Check my WordPress for show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
“Carpe Diem” and “Air Prelude”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
May 16, 202203:43

Ep. 029 - Outgrowing Our Cocoons with Trae Dorn
Happy Podcastiversary! Hex Positive is officially two years old and I thought I'd celebrate with an important discussion about growth. We all start out with ideas and impressions that we must unlearn, re-examine, and correct over time. This constant cycle of critical thinking and re-evaluation in response to new information is a normal and necessary part of a healthy practice. It is how we grow as practitioners and as people.
And in an effort to lead by example, I sat down with my podcast senpai Trae Dorn, resident lovable curmudgeon and host of our sibling show BS-Free Witchcraft, to talk about the bullshit we used to believe as novice witches and how we outgrew those ideas. You'll have to make your own mistakes and learn your own lessons, but perhaps by hearing our stories, you can avoid one or two of those pitfalls.
Make sure you listen to the Portland Button Works ad for a special discount code!
Oddities Witch Market
Sunday, May 15th, 1pm-6pm
Diversity Richmond, Richmond VA
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft! Check my Wordpress for show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works – http://www.portlandbuttonworks.com
The Spiral House – https://portlandbuttonworks.com/spiral-house-shop
It's their 10-year anniversary, so make sure you show them some extra love this month!
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
May 01, 202201:31:46

Witch Ways 22 - Spinning Up A Sweetheart
Sorry it's a bit late this month, my darlings! My usual recording schedule got flipped a bit, what with a certain special project and getting ready for the May anniversary. But here you go!
We're back to the fairy tales this month with a little attraction spell from The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol I. This is a three-day spell to help bring an ideal person into your life and create an easily-recognized sign to signal their arrival.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft! Check my Wordpress for show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
"Carpe Diem" and "Aquarium"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Apr 18, 202204:28

Ep. 028 - The Easter-Ostara Debacle
IT’S FINALLY HERE – the long-await Easter Rant! If you’ve been following me on tumblr, you may already know how salty I get about internet posts claiming Ostara and Easter are the same holiday…and you may know that I’ve gotten into literal fights over the topic. So once and for all, I’m laying it all out to explore the origins of both Easter and Ostara and to finally answer the age-old question: which came first – the bunny or the egg?
Special thanks to will-o-the-witch for reviewing my material to make sure my gentile ass was actin’ right and for correcting me on several very important points. Thank you for taking the time and for continuing to share your knowledge and insights with the community!
Check my Wordpress for sources and full show notes, as well as announcement and a schedule of upcoming events!
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and WordPress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works – http://www.portlandbuttonworks.com
PBW Witch Shop – http://www.PBWwitchshop.com
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Apr 01, 202254:25

Witch Ways 21 - Quickie Charms
Spells don't always have to be big, complicated rituals in order to be effective. Sometimes the most powerful charm is the one you do with a snap of your fingers. To that end, here are some Quickie Charms from my personal repertoire. Adapted from Grovedaughter Witchery.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network
"Carpe Diem"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Mar 15, 202206:10

Ep. 027 - When Inspo Takes A Holiday
WE'RE BAAA-AAAACK! And to celebrate, I'm covering a timely topic that's been tripping me up lately.
We all encounter it sooner or later - that feeling of being bogged down, tired, uninspired, and unmotivated. The dreaded Slump. It happens in our craft just as much as our mundane lives and it can be hard to conquer. So, what’s a witch to do when motivation is meh and inspo is a no-go? Join me as Hex Positive returns from hiatus with lots of tips for avoiding burnout, finding your spark, and reinvigorating your practice.
Spring Equinox Market
Sunday, March 13th, 1pm-6pm
Diversity Richmond
Visit the Facebook Event Page for full details.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon. http://www.patreon.com/BreeNicGarran.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works – http://www.portlandbuttonworks.com
PBW Witch Shop – http://www.PBWwitchshop.com
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Mar 01, 202229:24

Hiatus Update - Return Ramble
Hello witches! Haven't seen you all in forever, it feels like.
I'm gearing up to return from my long winter's nap in the beginning of March, but first here's a little ramble to let you know how things are going.
See you soon! 😁
Feb 21, 202210:23

Ep. 026 - The Healer's Path with Jai McGrainer
Originally aired on my Patreon. For this special episode, it's time to hop in the Wayback Machine! I sat down with my oldest friend, Jai McGrainer (we've literally known each other since we were twelve), to chat about her path as a healer and her marvelous holistic health clinic, Azalea House of Healing. There's a fair amount of reminiscing about our teenage years and our shared roots in magical topics.
Check out Azalea House of Healing in Warr Acres, OK, or visit their website.
Follow my show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon. http://www.patreon.com/BreeNicGarran.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works
PBW Witch Shop
"Spellbound" & "Miri's Magic Dance"
Ads - "Feelin' Good" & "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Feb 01, 202201:11:14

Ep. 025 - The Witches of Picnic with Guest Host Jenna
In this special bonus episode, I sit down with my old friend and sister in the craft, Jenna. We chitchat about our days as basement witches, the informal coven-of-two we started, our old witchy haunts from back in the day, and what we're up to now. Along the way, the in-jokes fly, madness reigns, and somebody busts out a lolcat version of the Wiccan Rede. Make sure you stay tuned all the way to the end for a special Clow Card reading of what the coming year has in store!
Follow my show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Check out Don Martin's new podcast, Head On Fire!
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works
PBW Witch Shop
Visit Bekkathyst for the annual crystal clearance sale!
"Spellbound" & "Miri's Magic Dance"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jan 01, 202201:21:54

Witch Ways, Ep. 20 - Eyes Like Coals
Every witch needs a good repertoire of protection spells. Shields and wards are all well and good, but if you want your magical defenses to have a little more bite, try creating a tiny household guardian with "Eyes Like Coals." (Note: You will have to feed it.) Adapted from The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. I, 2nd edition.
Visit my shop for books and other witchy goodies!
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network
"Carpe Diem"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dec 15, 202104:31

Ep. 024 - Warding A Witchy Home
As we close out 2021, it seems like a good time to cover some basic home protection spells and warding techniques. In this episode, I cover the creation of wards and anchors, how to cast wards around your home, and what home protection magic can...and more importantly, CANNOT....keep away.
I’ll be taking a short break and posting some Patreon bonus episodes for January and February, so I’ll see you all again next spring!
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Recommended Reading:
By Rust of Nail and Prick of Thorn by Althaea Sebastiani
Practical Protection Magic by Ellen Dugan
The Ruins of Ambrai by Melanie Rawn
The Black Jewels Series by Anne Bishop
Althaea Sebastiani - Home
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dec 01, 202159:15

Witch Ways, Ep. 19 - All Heads Off But Mine
Few things in life are more infuriating than seeing your power usurped by others, or worse, stolen from you And nothing is more satisfying than taking it back. If you're feeling beaten down and set upon, draw up your list of grievances and cry, "All Heads Off But Mine!" Adapted from The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. I, 2nd edition.
Visit my shop for books and other witchy goodies!
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Proud member of the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network
"Carpe Diem" & "Failing Defense"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Nov 15, 202103:17

Ep. 023 - The Name of the Game
Halloween may be over, but I’m not ready to be done with Spooky Season just yet! As such, this month, I’m diving into the history of Ouija boards, tracing their origins from the spiritualist camps of the late 1800s to their development as a popular party game to some of the modern myths surrounding the board. We’ll try to separate fact from urban legend, and the source of some of the things we THINK we know might surprise you.
Stuff You Missed In History Class - The Possession of Roland Doe (Oct. 27, 2021)
See my Wordpress for full show notes and sources.
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit my shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
This episode is sponsored by:
Portland Button Works – http://www.portlandbuttonworks.com
PBW Witch Shop – http://www.PBWwitchshop.com
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance”
Ads – “Feelin’ Good,” and “Danse Macabre – Violin Hook”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Nov 01, 202142:46

Halloween Bonus - Listener Ghost Stories, Vol. II
As promised, it’s your Halloween treat - another installment of Listener Ghost Stories! We’ve got another marvelous collection this year, and I hope you enjoy them in all their spooky...and occasionally poignant…glory. Producer Penny makes a guest appearance to provide commentary. (Listen all the way to end for an adorable outtake!)
Happy Halloween, witches!
Follow the show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit my shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
Oct 31, 202101:14:08

BONUS - Do The Magical Thing with Lee Curtis-Rogers
It's a special Samhain bonus episode for all you lovely witches! I had the distinct pleasure of sitting down with Lee Curtis-Rogers of "Do The Magical Thing" to talk shop. We got into SO many things, from "outside the box" magical thinking to mental health and witchcraft to what it's like to be community educators and influencers, plus our plans for the upcoming holiday.
Make sure you check out Lee's marvelous YouTube channel and subscribe so you can catch all the latest installments of "Do The Magical Thing!"
Follow my show on Twitter @hex_podcast for the latest updates! You can also find me as @BreeNicGarran on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my Patreon.
Visit my shop to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.
"Spellbound" & "Miri's Magic Dance"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Oct 30, 202101:52:27