Entertainment Weekly Reveals the Face of Ultron
The wait for news on Avengers: Age of Ultron has been very exciting. Marvel seems to have mastered the hype machine, we all know it. Despite this, its hard not to be excited for each new tidbit we get our hands on, but boy this is a big one! Aside from giving us a great shot of Tony’s new armor and Captain America’s fantastic new uniform, Entertainment Weekly’s Comic-Con Preview cover finally gives fans a clear show of what the film’s titular villain will look like.
He’s so comic-y it almost hurts. EW also revealed a bit of the plot including Ultron’s for those of you who are interested.
Ultron will start the film as Tony’s alternative to putting himself in the Iron-man suit again along with being an AI replacement for sending the other Avengers into harm’s way, but when Ultron concludes that the best way of ending humanity’s crimes is to end humanity, the Avengers are going to the only thing between the logic of his programing and massive human extinction.
I like this, its a good follow[up from where we last saw Tony in Iron-man 3. Lets hope for the best in the closer for Marvel’s Phase 2.
Via: Entertainment Weekly