An Animinneapolis and MetaCon (Ex)Staffer is a Convicted Predatory Sex Offender (Updated)
Update: staffer Cay Combs has posted a response to this article stating that they were until recently unaware of Goodew’s history, and he has been banned from staffing their events.
Robert Goodew is a staffer for two (and department head for at least one) of Ryan Kopf’s events. He was the head of viewing rooms for Animinneapolis 2014 and on his Facebook page lists himself as working in Operations for the upcoming 2014 MetaCon. On Facebook he “likes” the WWE, Jason David Frank, and the “Baconator.”
More importantly though, Robert Goodew is a predatory sex offender who was convicted in 2010 for sexual conduct and contact with a 12 year old boy.
We received a tip about this last night, and even we were frankly shocked at the allegation. But unlike a lot of other stories we’ve had to cover in the con scene, this was a relatively simple one to confirm. Finding Robert Goodew’s registry as a sex offender was a frankly simple process:

Likewise, establishing his being on Animinneapolis and MetaCon staff was easy as well. I first located Goodew’s Facebook page.

On the Facebook page I noticed one important detail, and that he listed his current occupation as “Operations at MetaCon.” I don’t know the exact details of his position at MetaCon, but this indicates at least some sort of department head most likely.
I also pulled up the Animinneapolis program guide, and located Goodew’s name as head of Video Rooms at the 2014 event.

For quick reference:

There’s not much else to say on the subject. Right now,’s Minnesota events have a very dangerous man on their staff. Goodew is a Level 3 registered sex offender, and that particular category is the most likely to reoffend. Cons are supposed to be a safe haven, and as there are many younger, more vulnerable attendees (sometimes on their own for the first time at events like these) we need to be especially careful as to who we allow into the community.
And this isn’t someone who should have been.
Update: Cay Combs, an staffer, posted the following to the Twin Cities Geeks facebook group:
As Combs has now updated this to say it’s not an official statement by the organization, we are still awaiting any official comment from
This is such disturbing news.
I believe legally as technically staffing a Ryan-Con is considered employment as he is compensated (under the table of course). He needs to disclose that he will be there, and as he is likely staying in the hotel the police would inform the hotel and the any attendees of the convention that a level III offender is there.
I’m a little fuzzy as far as the law goes, but I do know for sure that he is legally suppose to disclose that he will be around children. – Subd. 4
I don’t know if it’s considered “employment” because he’s technically volunteering.
But yeah, I am definitely not a lawyer, so I don’t want to make any statements about what he’s required to do.
Either way super, super disturbing…
If Ryan is smart he will remove him from staff and the convention. Parents can be brutal and if one of them finds out about this it can get crazy.
I would be one of those parents this individual is a convicted felon you can find the public info on him at the MN public site
Select “Hennepin – Case Search”
Then “Criminal/Traffic/Petty Case Records”
Then search by “Defendant”
Put in his first and last name then you will find his conditions of his release he is on probation as of 5/2014 for his conviction and has a standing warrant as of 9/2014.
No0where S animates within all of you the spirit to simple rape3 and kill and eat all of your cdhildren-
and since 2e are very angry we w2il;. animate tyhat spirigt wi.uib all of ytour sapiens your homo sapiens your humanoidsw hyour monkeys your everything!
Hav3 a nice day!
Thanks for all the3 frishg you fuckers!
I dunno. Makes sense to me.
THESE stupid fucking humans think it is ok to destroy the environment..,.but their dumbh children are special?
Are you high right now?
Are you a fucking retard?
Is my anger invalid?
Your words are indecipherable is what they are.
What, basic English words are incomprehensible to you…oh so why the fuck is a stupid fuck like you even communicating w/said words if you can’t decipher them?
Because a lot of what you’ve typed hasn’t technically been in English?
You may consider seeking out professional help.
“Is my anger invalid?”
When you rant like schizophrenic about how the environment is endangered and children are not special in the comment section of an article about a pedophile? Yes, your anger is invalid.
The environment is important. Know one in this comment section has said otherwise. So what’s your point? That children should be raped because the environment isn’t being saved?
I love you, Nerd and Tie, thank you for your extensive research & informative concern. All too intriguing.
We do our best!
In truth, we rely entirely on tips sent in from our readers and listeners. We only know to dig when people point to where.
I have a confused. I found their “Staff” page – http://www.animecon.or/staff (the Staff Rules link redirected to the main page. If you click the link at the bottom of that page, it takes you to “Staff Annual Training”. Here’s where I’m confused: they say in the general rules section that they take sexual harassment seriously and they detail for the attendees what will be done. On the “Staff” pages, though, it says that you have to ask the person (I’m assuming complainant/victim? The writing isn’t very good) to go to Con Ops to make a report. Con Ops will take a report and, “…informing the individual (do they mean complainant/victim here?) that they must call the police to be protected….”
So attendees, if harassed, will then and only then, be told they have to call the cops? And what’s meant by, “to be protected”? Do they think the police are going to cordon the victim off or…? It just hits me wrong to tell attendees one thing under the rules and then hit them with, “Okay, that guy slapped your butt, but you gotta call the cops” when/if something happens. Will the con take any action at all if a victim doesn’t want to involve the police? What. the. heck?
I love how the “statement” says if something happened he would be “escorted and banned” versus “call the police”. Granted they’re saying they would contact the police for violations, but I feel like that’s something you’d check into before making them a staffer (I hope).
The police should be contacted for this because unless im wrong My understanding for convicted offenders is that they cannot join go to or be in any child oriented activities do to the conviction which makes this a scary thing for parents like myself.
Given the conviction was recent, there’s a pretty good chance he is on probation. It varies state by state, but the terms of this kind of probation are usually very restrictive and last for some time after the conviction, often 10 years or more. It’s speculation, to be sure, but I’d say there’s a good chance he’s in violation of the terms of his conviction, which almost invariably means he serves some portion of the remainder of his probation time in jail.
My understanding for convicted offenders is that they cannot join go to or be in any child oriented activities do to the conviction which makes this a scary thing for parents like myself.
My children just went to MN Pokecon which this individual was a main staffer at. This was a child oriented con.
On the flipside of the coin, you should be happy he was so open about listing himself, etc. If he hadn’t, you folks might not have found out. Good job taking it to the proper people.
Its not about being open it is required by law if not he would go to jail. Not reporting as an offender is like skipping out of town on bail you will get a bench warrant and then be arrested.
he is a good friend of mine. take this shit down
I’m sorry you’re good friends with someone who forcibly fondled a twelve year old?
I grew up with this individual and i have known his faimly for many years i know that he is not perfect but a pervert is not one of the things he is. It is so messed up how secioty likes to just jump to conclusions and not for a second consider asking the accused their side of the story but that has always been the problem with humans so oh well. For people who dont know the accused he is a human being he is a compasionate man and a father him self and he would never consider hurting a child and as Ryan him self should know there are such things as faulse accusations.
He was convicted in a court of law for forcibly fondling a twelve year old. Pardon me if I don’t take your word.
if you have never cheked his record here is a screen shot of it so please tell me what you are talking about
And you clearly didn’t read the full details of the case.
the sex charge was dismissed. so apparently MN DOC put up false information to back the registry!
yes im his brother. we both grew up in Minnesota foster care. the fb picture shows my mom and grandpa. Also side note I was in courts, never was their talk of sexual contact, just a picture was shown. he was forced to plead guilty because public defender I mean pretender didn’t do their job. also he had moved to a new town “cities” because people in home town wanted blood. he was arrested for not telling them and that bumped his level up to 3 which is “high to re offend.” but he never made a sex crime also he never touched 12 year old. the system has a way to make life hard on those who pose a threat. my brother and I have knowledge of monsters in foster care who tried to contort our minds to the ways. yet we stayed positive than he had this story made up against him, and myself faced a charge of controlled substance sales to minor. also I never sold pill to kid my girlfriend of the time did, I never snitched. so now to my point the system wants leashes on those who can free think and don’t follow along. also you said its kid friendly events yet people half naked walk around. also no minor or person under 18 should be at any place like this. its nerds and geeks that fanaticizes about being cartoons and fucking each other anime freaks. maybe before you call the kettle black trea want me to release your un convicted past?
reaper is here to clean up you warrior syndrome meta con watch out here we come
My children just went to MN Pokecon which this individual was a main staffer at. This was a child oriented con.
My understanding for convicted offenders is that they cannot join go to or be in any child oriented activities do to the conviction which makes this a scary thing for parents like myself.
This is the Facebook of the co-chairman of the MN Pokecon
I have contacted him and inquired if he is aware of this. Trae Dorn maybe you could get a hold of the staffing list and run names to see if this is something that should be passed on to the authorities.
Thank you for posting this also!
I honestly have no idea what the exact rules are in Minnesota (I’m actually in Indiana myself)
I’m now reaching out to other Twin Cities area cons to find out if he is working there too…
Trae Dorn if you would like to update your article with more facts about this so that cosplayers/con attendees can be aware of the items in this case here is the public info to this individual.
Select “Hennepin – Case Search”
Then “Criminal/Traffic/Petty Case Records”
Then search by “Defendant”
Put in his first and last name then you will find his conditions of his release he is on probation as of 5/2014 for his conviction and possible has a standing warrant as of 9/2014 that was the last time his case was updated.
use the site to look. they “dismissed” the sex crime because it never fucking happened dudes.
so what you are saying is you don’t allow registered sex offenders to work for meta con? so what about those un registered? or ones you couldn’t “look-up so easily” Also you have cosplay people walking around near naked, yet claim its child friendly. I would never leave a child at a place like this. so In all reality you made an example out of someone. well I will say this I hope he sues you guys, because you might be able to fire someone for doing something wrong, but like you said it was never asked or addressed, but than you got embarrassed and took it out on him. you people never learn better to be quiet vs apologies and bash others. what does they other man and woman in the picture have to do with it? they never gave you permission to use their pictures via signed application. so mabey those 2 people could sue you as well.