The Mega-Blog

Warner Bros Delays ‘Aquaman’ Until December 2018

The solo Aquaman film was originally slated to hit theaters in July of 2018, but that was later shifted later in the year to October. Well, it seems that Warner Bros has moved the date yet again — now delaying the film until December 21, 2018.

Some of the films in the DCEU have been marred with delays and issues, most notably The Flash‘s constant parade of changing directors and The Batman‘s relative instability, but Aquaman seems to be the one post-Justice League film still on track. Most likely this delay is intended to give the film, which is expected to start filming soon, more time to work on special effects and post production.

That December release date originally had Avatar 2 pencilled in, but as that film has been delayed, it leaves the weekend open for the studio. It does mean that the Aquaman film will now share its release date with the (still untitled) animated Spider-Man film which will feature Miles Morales. It’s a gamble for the studio to say the least, but I guess we’ll see how it turns out.


Trae Dorn

Trae Dorn has been staffing conventions for over twenty-five years. They also wrote and drew the now completed webcomic UnCONventional, and produce the podcasts BS-Free Witchcraft, On This Day With Trae, Stormwood & Associates, The Meatgrinder, and The Nerd & Tie Podcast. This leads many to ask how the heck they have the time to get it all done. Trae says they have the time because they “do it all quite poorly.”

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