Casual Trek

54. Still Casual After All These Years

It’s Casual Trek’s third anniversary! Can we still call ourselves casuals after all this time? Probably. (Note from Trae at the network: Do the British count anniversaries differently? It’s the second anniversary of the show. It started in 2022. Did the boys time travel?)

In this episode we have a look at what exciting things we’ve discovered in the past year, such as: tolerating Neelix, hating Peanut Hamper, not knowing who all the bridge crew on Discovery are and more! We set each other some questions, and even had some questions from the audience!

Enjoy, and next episode we’ll be celebrating 50 episodes by talking about the times that Star Trek repiloted itself!

00:01:12 What non-Star Trek thing have we been enjoying? Doom 2016 & Thank Goodness You’re Here
00:12:00 Our past year of Trek
00:27:36 Our discoveries in each Star Trek show
00:54:31 Future Topics
00:56:27 Questions!

Talking points include: Doom 2016 RIP AND TEAR! One of Charlie’s few fleeting moments of teenage popularity, Space Marine, Charlie did not edit the Lance Henriksen gaffe as it became lode-bearing, Put Lance Henriksen in Star Trek you cowards! And Robert Englund! V (original and remake), twee English miserablism, Paddington, Peter Capaldi, upcoming X-Men and Gilmore Girls tangents, There is already a Gilmore Guys, Miles’ attempts at singing, Radio Reverb, The French, where we watch Trek, binging long videos about internet plagiarism (H Bomberguy & Todd in the Shadows) and DashCon (Strange Aeons), ways not to watch Star Trek, which Suicide Squad movie will Section 31 end up like? “Babylon 5’s a piece of shit”, fictional sports more popular than baseball in Star Trek’s future, Miles watch The Wire you don’t need to take notes, Ryan North is great on Lower Decks and Fantastic Four, Charlie loathes 90’s cartoon Wolverine, Forehead from Vampire Diaries, How many times will we mention editing these episodes out of order? Space is still terrifying, H from Steps, Dennis the Menace (both versions), the terrible anecdotes of Wesley Crusher, the most horrible fact about Borg Cubes, Big Trouble in Little China, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Breakfast in the Ruins. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek.

Pedant’s Corner:
The baddie in Doom 2016 is actually Darin De Paul
That said, Lance Henriksen was in Alone in the Dark II and Gun
I meant to say my grandad, not my uncle. Sorry Uncle Peter!
Hemmer is not Andorian, he’s Aenar (Trae from the network’s Pedants Corner: Aenar are a subspecies of Andorian, so it’s not inaccurate to call him an Andorian)
The bottom of the list is Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach
Dennis the Menace & Dennis the Menace both debuted on the same day

[ Additional Show Notes ]

Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn. Read Miles’s blog or Charlie’s blog.

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