Nerd & Tie Books
Besides podcasts, Nerd & Tie creators occasionally publish books. Here are the currently available releases from the Nerd & Tie family!
Nerd & Tie Authors:
Trae Dorn
Trae Dorn is a geeky, nonbinary genderqueer witch who lives just on the edge of the woods somewhere in Wisconsin with their wife.
Besides hosting a number of shows here on Nerd & Tie (including popular witchcraft podcast BS-Free Witchcraft), Trae writes contemporary fantasy novels and is the creator of the comics Peregrine Lake and UnCONventional.
They are also very, very tired. (View Trae’s Author Page)
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Charlie Etheridge-Nunn
Charlie Etheridge-Nunn, is the writer of such comics as Blob Detective and Explosion High! He’s also written about games for Who Dares Rolls and made videos for them on the Who Dares Rolls YouTube Channel.
Charlie is the co-host of Casual Trek, which you can find right here on the Nerd & Tie Network.
If you want to know more about Charlie, you can visit his website at FakedTales.com. (View Charlie’s Author Page)
Featured Title:

Featuring three stupendous stories in 24 pulse-pounding pages written by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn drawn by an amazing array of artists! The Exploding Race drops the class into a race through a jungle infested with robots! Dinosaurs! Robot dinosaurs! And more! Art by Norrie Millar and colours by Faye Stacey! Bad Guy shows some of the people lost in the race facing the horrors of the jungle, and each other! Art by Debora Lancianese! The Faulty Stars gets the gang together at a party for everyone who survived finished the race! Art by Mike Armstrong and colours by Debora Lancianese! There’s also a one-page epilogue drawn and coloured by Russell Mark Olson, and the whole thing was lettered by the legend, Rob Jones!
Bree NicGarran
Bree NicGarran grew up in the wilds of Bucks County, PA, and now resides near Williamsburg, VA. She started reading at an early age and began writing shortly thereafter. Her first solo book, Grovedaughter Witchery: Practical Spellcraft, was published in January 2017. It has received rave reviews and is being hailed by the online pagan community as the new must-have book for beginner witches. Bree is currently hard at work on a second volume of fairy-tale spells.
In addition to her writing, Bree maintains a blog about and answering questions pertaining to cottage witchcraft, while juggling her day job, her social life, and the business end of of indie authorship. She also hosts the monthly “Hex Positive” podcast on the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network. She currently lives with her husband and two wild balls of ginger fur named Havoc and Penny, and is very glad that none of them seem to mind having a pagan altar in the living room.
(View Bree’s Author Page)
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Available Via: Amazon / Kindle / Direct Order