About the Author: Bree NicGarran grew up in the wilds of Bucks County, PA, and now resides near Williamsburg, VA. She started reading at an early age and began writing shortly thereafter. Her first solo book, Grovedaughter Witchery: Practical Spellcraft, was published in January 2017. It has received rave reviews and is being hailed by the online pagan community as the new must-have book for beginner witches. Bree is currently hard at work on a second volume of fairy-tale spells.
In addition to her writing, Bree maintains a blog about and answering questions pertaining to cottage witchcraft, while juggling her day job, her social life, and the business end of of indie authorship. She also hosts the monthly “Hex Positive” podcast on the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network. She currently lives with her husband and two wild balls of ginger fur named Havoc and Penny, and is very glad that none of them seem to mind having a pagan altar in the living room.
(Amazon Author Page) (Bree’s Website)

All Titles:
Grovedaughter Witchery: Practical Spellcraft
ISBN: 9781541145788
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Description: For the witch whose town is devoid of occult shops and covens, learning the craft can be a daunting task indeed. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways for a budding practitioner to make a start. Stroll down the forest path with Bree NicGarran, co-author of “The Sisters Grimmoire” and “The Witches’ Cupboard,” and discover the surprising ways you can practice your craft with commonplace items from the supermarket and the craft store. Build a travel kit for on-the-go magic. Create your own spells from scratch with a step-by-step guide. Learn how to make your own witch webs and magical powders. Uncover the secrets of walnut charms and witchballs and much, much more. Every page carries tricks of the trade and homegrown charms from the files of the Grovedaughter herself.From besoms to banishings to a bit of good advice, Grovedaughter Witchery is the ideal book for any witch with an inclination toward a practical, no-frills approach to witchcraft.
Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils
ISBN: 9781546336358
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Description: From the author of Grovedaughter Witchery comes a volume of potions and powders for all occasions, suitable to enhance the craft of any practitioner. Old standards like Banishing Powder and Blessing Oil meet new classics like Dream Dust and Stargazer Wishing Oil. Need to rid your house of a troublesome spirit? Try a sprinkle of Ghost-Be-Gone Powder. Looking for a way to get your zest back after spellwork? Brim With Vim Vitality Oil might be just the thing. Over 200 original formulae await you within these pages, along with helpful hints, safety tips, and detailed instructions for creating your own magical powders and oils. Collected for the first time in a single volume, these recipes are the product of twelve years of experience and much experimentation. While magic is never a guarantor of success, the potions within these pages just might give your spells the edge you need.
The Sisters Grimmoire: Spells and Charms for Your Happily Ever After
ISBN: 9781544814193
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Description: Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, Who’s the cleverest witch of them all? With the spells in this book, it just might be you! Inspired by the well-known works of The Brothers Grimm, this volume boasts over sixty original spells lovingly crafted from favorite fairy tales, along with helpful spellcrafting instructions and several indices to aid you in your journey. All of this is wrapped up with useful chapter forewords discussing the various themes within the tales, some insight into the creative process, and a bit of discussion on ethics and the usage of magic.Whether you’re ready to yell “All Heads Off But Mine,” looking to turn your luck around with some Buried Coins, or just wanting to show the world What Big Teeth you have, there is sure to be a spell within these pages that is exactly what you’ve been looking for. After all, who couldn’t use a bit of Happily Ever After?
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