Nerd & Tie @ Cons!
Do you want to see Nerd & Tie at YOUR local con? Of course you do. Because you have taste. And your hair looks nice today.
Conventions are kind of our wheelhouse at Nerd & Tie. All three hosts of The Nerd & Tie Podcast are (at the very least) former convention organizers, and the Midwestern convention scene is one of our favorite things to cover. More importantly, we here at Nerd & Tie love attending conventions.
If enough of us can make it to the same event, we often do “live shows,” where we do a live taping of the Nerd & Tie Podcast. We encourage audience interaction, and they’re a lot of fun.
Beyond the live show, Trae, Celeste, and Gen do multiple panels – on average, when Nerd & Tie hits a con, we provide 10-12 hours of programming. We bring expertise on a variety of subjects as well as an entertaining flair. Trae is the artist and writer of multiple webcomics (like UnCONventional), Celeste hosts a hilarious youtube show, and Gen has years of panel running experience.
From fandom panels on multiple subjects to live movie riffing to MCing events, Nerd & Tie brings a unique set of skills to any show.
Trae and Celeste have been guests at conventions across the country, and we’d love to add more stops along the way. If you run a convention, please feel free to reach out to us if you’re interested in hosting podcasters from Nerd & Tie at your con. Our needs vary depending on the physical location and timing of a con, so if you’d like us to come, just email us at tips@nerdandtie.com and we’ll get back to you.