Famicom Dojo Video Game Podcast

On every episode of the Famicom Dojo podcast, Sean and Vinnk take to their microphones about the latest video game news, review Future Retro titles, and lament their growing Pile of Shame.
Hosts: Sean Corse and “Vinnk”
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Sean and Vinnk take to their microphones about the latest video game news, review Future Retro titles, and lament their growing Pile of Shame. Produced by That’s Orange, LLC. Updated Fridays.
“One More Continue” and “RPG” theme songs by the Imari Tones: http://imaritones.net. Vinnk and SeanOrange pixel art by Louis Lloyd-Judson: https://louistrations.co.uk.
This podcast is brought to you by the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network. Listen to other great shows at http://nerdandtie.com.

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