3DOh No! (The Series)

3DOh No! is a limited series of Let’s Play videos produced by Nerd & Tie featuring the 3DO. A spiritual successor to Trae’s old review show 3DO To Go, Trae tackles games with zero foreknowledge of what they’re going to play and often is stuck with Japanese import copies that they can’t read. Episodes update sporadically.
Mostly this was a terrible idea.
Host: Trae Dorn
Most Recent Video:
Recent Episodes:
- 3DOh No!: Shock Wave (jp)(1994)
- 3DOh No!: “Theme Park” (jp) (1995)
- 3DOh No!: “Theatre Wars: Goraku no Dendou” (1994)
- 3DOh No!: “Montana Jones” (1995)
3DO to Go!
Before 3DOh No!, there was 3DO to Go. 3DO to Go was a 3DO themed review show hosted by Trae produced in conjunction with the now defunct video game import site “Rising Stuff.” A ten episode season was made, and over time all of the episodes have been reposted to Nerd & Tie. 3DOh No! may be formatted differently, but is effectively the reincarnation of this show. Enjoy.
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO to Go – FIFA International Soccer
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO To Go – Pyramid Intruder
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO To Go – Paddock Note 95
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO to Go – Importing Japanese 3DO Games
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO to Go – Zhadnost, the People’s Party
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO to Go – Escape From Monster Manor
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO to Go – Comparing 3DO Models
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO to Go – Samurai Shodown
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO To Go – Guardian War/Powers Kingdom
- Throwback Thursday: 3DO to Go – Total Eclipse