
Convention NewsThe Nerd & Tie Podcast

196. Triple Fail – ColossalCon North, Ohayocon, and Atomic Monster Weekend

There’s a lot to go over this episode. We start with Atomic Monster Weekend’s last minute, mysterious cancellation (that still has almost no signs of having happened on the internet). Then we go into an update on the ongoing Ohayocon situation and where things currently stand. Finally, we dig into the events at ColossalCon North a few days ago that led to the con’s cosplay contest staff abruptly quitting Saturday morning.

It’s a hell of a time.

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Convention NewsThe Nerd & Tie Podcast

195. Ohayocon Chaos

On this episode of The Nerd & Tie Podcast we are deep diving into everything that’s happened with Ohayocon over the last… week? It’s been a lot, from the firing/not firing of staff members, a lot about a logo, a volunteer staff on “strike,” and Melissa Phelps reportedly stepping down from the CESI board of directors — and it’s not even close to over yet.

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