Star Trek

Casual Trek

59. Sex Ghost – Coast to Coast

It’s Halloween time again! Put on your sexy Star Trek costume and make sure you’re fully in control of your faculties because you might not be entirely you in there!

This time, our Casual Explorers decided to explore some of the many psychic and or energy beings who can just pop inside your flesh and blood as easy as a pair of boots.

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Casual Trek

57. Deepfake Riker (with Sean Corse)

INTERLOPER! We have an interloper in the podcast! It’s Sean Corse of Famicom Dojo and Two Boobs Watch the Tube fame, here in the spirit of Nerd & Tie unification.

This episode we’re looking at the Unification trilogy, a multi-part story that spans multiple Star Trek series and over 800 years! First up, Picard and Data go to Romulus to hunt down Spock, who might have turned traitor! We also have Riker chatting up a multi-armed widow and a junkyard guy who has way too many face-folds.

Then, we fast forward to Discovery in their grimdark future era and while unifying the Romulans and Vulcans is a good thing, this is actually still all about Michael. Oh, and Tilly, take the damn job already!

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Casual Trek

56. Banned by the Beeb

Show Notes: Despite what Americans may think, moral panics about TV exist everywhere and today, we begin the exploration of a doozy. The start of a two-part look into four episodes of Star Trek that came a cropper at the hands of Auntie Beeb (a not-so affectionate term for the BBC) that of course allows Miles to indulge in one of his favourite talking points about British movie culture – Video Nasties!

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Casual Trek

55. Kill God with a Fucking Rock!

Join the boys as they finally talk about Star Trek The Original Series’ second attempt at securing a series as we meet Captain James “R.” Kirk as he goes ‘Where No Man Has Gone Before’ and proceeds to meet our first Godlike being who needs a swift beating. Then, in Discovery’s ‘That Hope is You Part 1’ we heard into the 32nd Century, but discover that Star Wars-style wretched hives of scum and villainy still exist, but we finally get a chance to make the Ship’s Cat actually pull his weight around here. Finally to round it all off, we watch ‘Star Trek: Picard’s’ second season opener ‘The Stargazer’, and even technical problems with the call can’t stop us from realising that the show has some problems with repeating itself.

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Casual Trek

53. We Have The Wrath of Khan at Home

Those wacky Soongs are at it again, proving that Data’s the only good one of the lineage as Eugenics criminal Dr Arik Soong has some genetically engineered children who are out causing diplomatic incidents.

That’s right, we’ve got not one, not two but three Enterprise episodes as we watch all of the Augment trilogy in one go. Should they be ranked as one episode or three? How much does this want to be Wrath of Khan? Have they stopped with the whole ‘Space War on Terror’ and does Earth look less like a poor Xbox game background?

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Casual Trek

52. They’re Just Weird Little Guys

Pull out two strips of Gold-Pressed Latinum and submit them in the little box to listen to our episode on the Ferengi, Star Trek The Next Generation’s first attempt at a recurring villain race which went incredibly poorly for everyone concerned. From their first appearance in the show when they act like incredibly hyperactive gerbils in the The Last Outpost, to their most recent focus in Star Trek Prodigy where we find out more about Dal’s past and the conflict between his old life and his new life in First Con-tact. to one of Deep Space Nine’s many attempts to bring nuance to the species in Family Business when Quark and Rom have to deal with their mother Ishka’s becoming involved in what passes for First Stage Feminism in a culture where women can’t wear clothes.

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